Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Calling all Nerds!

After we launched this blog, I had to call my father and invite him to be a member of our society. I even asked for the customary $ 5.00 donation and offered to send him a laminate card. What was his reaction? "I am not in denial, " he said. " I am a nerd and proud of it!". He gave the phone back to my mother. She laughed hysterically.

We know you are out there. I know a few at work that are N.I.Ds. (I just won't call them a NID to their face, some people are sensitive you know.) You hear us in the movie theatre making commentary about the inaccuracies of the film under our breathes. You see us in the grocery story persuading whomever would listen about the nutritional value of the product or the enviornmental impact of the packaging. We correct your grammar. We take delight in fantasy. We LOVE our SUPER HEROS. (i for one, have a proud collection of Super Hero tee-shirts!). So if you are out there, don't be shy. Post. We want to hear from you. We want you to know we are here to support you too. You are not a freak. You are just a Nerd that is in Denial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey wuz up i know what you mean lol about the word nerd. i consider myself to be a nerd but alot of cool people know me so i am not your typical nerd cause i like most of the things the cool people like but i am a trivia buff and know misiclaneous things lol. one friend called me a walking encloypedia lol. so there nothing wrong with being a nerd cause the world needs people like us to be sain lol.