Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I don't do well with large crowds or people I don't know. I prefer to stay to my own. So Thanksgiving, I dreaded. I arrived with nerves flooding my brain with signals to panic. I settled once I arrived to find only my sister and step-mother there. My brain calmed my nerves. I was safe . . . for now.
I passed the morning quickly as I visited and checked with my children periodically. All was well. Until the announcement was made. My step-mom called to my sister, "We gonna go pick up my sister and her family now. Come with me."
My ears alerted my brain to this new set of events which passed the news onto my nerves. And then, I did the next best thing. I reached for the rubix cube. I sat down onto the kitchen floor beside my son and drowned myself in tiny squares of yellow, blue, red, and green.

It wasn't long before I was hooked. Must solve NOW! I riddled. I twisted. Reasoned and manipulated. MUST SOLVE RUBIX CUBE!!

My step-mom and sister walked in the door followed by four strangers. My brain blocked all out, but the block in my hand. "I will not rest until I beat THE BLOCK! I am smarter than YOU!!" I proclaim to the block -- oblivious to all others in the room.
I continued my maze of twists and turns. Able to complete one side of the mocking colors. After an hour I abandon reason and look for patterns. Rotate. Turn clockwise. Rotate. Turn clockwise. Rotate. Turn clockwise.

My sister's voice cuts through my plans. "DINNER'S READY!! You're never going to solve that!" I glare at her with loathing from all the love for her I can muster.

"BLASPHEMER!!!" I shout. Suddenly, she rips the puzzle out of my hand and my brain plunges into a fit of panic. "Nooooooooooooooo!! Must solve . . . RUBIX CUBE! I almost . . . had . . . "

My sister laughed at my weakness. "It's only a small one!"

My hands sent the alert to my brain. The alarm was set off and I was plunged into panic mode. Thanksgiving dinner, I now must face. I gasped. Oxygen! Must have rubix cube! Must have SANCTUARY!!

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