Wednesday, November 28, 2007


While hypothisizing with my co-founder about nerds the other day we came to an impass. On what ranking does a nerd stop being a nerd and become a geek? Where does dork fall? For this reason we have invented a system simply to rank the level of nerdism within someone.

Nerd - You're on the edge. You pursuit intellect and you are more interested in National Geographic than Sports Illustrated. You catch yourself more than occassionally watching the History channel and using phrases like, "This is so cool!" or "Oh my God!" You're not so far gone that you question where you stand. There may be some doubt. You just might be a nerd . . . in denial.

Geek - You've crossed over. You know where you stand. You own the pocket protector. You wear glasses with the head band that secures them in place because you know the fundamental problem with contact lenses and are not willing to sacrifice your eyes for an appearance. You embrace your adoration for science, history, and math and above all, have given up hiding it. You are no longer a closet nerd.

Dork - You're so far gone it's just not cool anymore.

PS - The fact that I think having the periodic table included in the dictionary is cool, is nerdy.

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